

There's something about that feeling you get when things that you once only dreamt about actually start to become more than a floating idea in your mind. When they actually start to become real! It's one of the most powerful, energizing, and scary feelings ever. When you think back to a year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago and can recognize and appreciate that you've come along way, it motivates you to keep pushing forward!

I am pushing.

However, I can get frustrated that I'm not exactly where I want to be yet.

"I don't have the lenses I want." "My computer's too slow." "I don't have enough clients." "I don't have enough time." "I don't have enough space."

"I'm not good enough."

I really try not to be consumed by that type of thinking. But, I'm human. It happens.

Finding the time to pause, reflect and appreciate where you are is extremely important. Give yourself credit, pat yourself on the back, and acknowledge the fact that you're not where you were a year, a month, or a week ago. Show yourself some Love!

I'm growing, and my business is growing. I'm currently working on creating a small studio in my home, and I'm really excited. But also kind of scared. Not quite sure why -- once I figure it out, I'll blog about it lol -- but there's fear there. And butterflies. And a hint of anxiety. Perhaps it's because I'm not accustomed to dreams coming true. I do know, though, that the fear won't stop or even slow me down; the excitement outweighs it. I've come so far since last year, I've improved in this past month, and I've learned new things this week. So why stop now?? :)

Studio in the works!



IMG_8914"Success Equals Sacrifice. Sacrifice Ensures Success." That's definitely a lesson that's re-taught itself over and over again throughout my life. And I don't imagine that the lesson will ever be fully mastered. For hardworking people like myself and Newburgh, NY rapper SES Da Great, sacrifices must be made along the journey to success.

One thing that SES does not sacrifice is quality, creativity or honesty in his music and lyrics. As founder of TRUSIC Music (see my previous post on the group), SES can relate to his listeners by sharing real experiences and by being down to earth. Not to mention, his flow is sick. For him, hip-hop is about the message, not the money. His lyrics are thoughtful and challenging, and they're paired with strong beats and smooth hooks.


IMG_9067SES is working on the third installment of his Duality series, a collection of mixtapes in which he expresses contrast and complexities in his lyrics. Both part 1, entitled Young Man-Old Soul, and part 2, Above & Below are available on his website now. Part 3, Love/Hate will be released this year.


We did a photo shoot in Albany for the release of Love/Hate. Wandering the streets of downtown, chatting and scoping out cool places to shoot, I really got to find out a lot about SES (also known as Sam). A graduate from the esteemed Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a degree in architecture, SES found that he was more consumed by music than he was by his job working for the State of New York as a construction manager. He's opened up a music studio in his hometown of Newburgh, helped create TRUSIC as a brand, and has fully immersed himself in his music, which makes him happy. And happiness is what makes him successful. Not too many people can say that they dedicate each day to something that truly makes them happy. But SES does, and he's inspired me to do the same.

IMG_8891Check SES and the rest of TRUSIC out at and








It's been a roller coaster of a week for me. I'm pretty sure I'm going through a severe quarter-life crisis -- with full on hot flashes, rough sleep, frustration, and anxiety. I go through a phase like this about one or two times a year. No biggie 0_o

But seriously. The feeling of being torn about a heavy decision, not sure which direction you're meant to go in, the ever-present battle between head and heart. It's like having those two little people sitting on your shoulders, representing your conscious. But instead of a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, the two little people are different versions of yourself. Not good, nor bad, just you. And which do you turn to for direction?

We all go through this in different ways and regarding different aspects of our lives. For me, right now, I'm facing a major conundrum about my career. I know that no one else can solve this puzzle for me but myself. But I'm blessed to have several pairs of listening ears that allow me to vent. And I'm even more blessed to have patient mouths to speak to that give me feedback.

I'm sure I'll wake up one morning and the burning questions that I have will be answered. A sign will reveal itself. Someone will give me the perfect bit of advice. I'll have an epiphany and all will be clear. (That happens right?) But for now the only thing I need is some delicious calamari, a light beer and good conversation with a friend :)

Have you been torn between a good choice and another good choice? How did you make your decision? I'd love to hear about it!

